Exhibition Feminine /Masculine
Very pleased that my work has been selected for the next exhibition Feminine / Masculine at the lovely PH21 Gallery in Budapest, Hungary!
The photograph LARA from the series MaleFemale will be on show from February 13 – March 7 2020.
Thank you Zsolt Batori for selecting my work again!
February 13 – March 7 2020
Main gallery :
55 Ráday St.
Hours: Thursday–Saturday: 2–6 p.m. and by appointment

A curated international photography exhibition
Portrayals of femininity and masculinity are, without doubt, central to a number of art forms, photography not being an exception. The past few decades have given rise to – often heated – discussions and criticisms of past, recent, and current photographic practices for their lack of reflection on the assumptions, stereotypes, and prejudices surrounding photographic approaches to femininity and masculinity. Fine art and commercial works alike have been critiqued for the potential consequences of their approach and presentation. Historically femininity and masculinity have been conceived, among others, as oppositions, as complements of each other, or as positions on a continuum. There are hardly any ways of portraying femininity and masculinity that would or could not be considered trivial, conservative, pretentious, demeaning, distasteful, clichéd or even offensive by some. It often seems that everything has been both said and photographed about this subject, and yet, it is not possible to ignore the persistence of the theme in our contemporary visual culture. What is it that we can still value and possibly revive from the rich history of photography; are there any novel ways left to approach this subject with a fresh critical eye?
Exhibiting photographers
Lena Ash (Berlin, Germany), Ygor Bahia (Münster, Germany), Victoria Berger (Vienna, Austria), Filipe Bianchi (Lisboa, Portugal), Slim Blanks (Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada), Bill Bowerman (Lawrence, KS, USA), Daniel John Bracken (London, UK), Eva Brunner (Berlin, Germany), Leonardo Cassi (Prague, Czech Republic), CsI Csapó Ida (Budapest, Hungary), Paul Delpani (Vienna, Austria), Gary Duehr (Somerville, MA, USA), Suzette Dushi (New York, NY, USA), Christopher N. Ferreria (San Diego, CA, USA), László Gálos (Salgótarján, Hungary), Nadide Goksun (Scarsdale, NY, USA) Tom Gore (North Saanich, BC, Canada), Pelin Guven (Beijing, China), Viktor Jáger (Hosszúhetény, Hungary), Feng Jiang (New Taipei City, Taiwan), Robert S Johnson (New York, NY, USA), Aharon Kritzer (Shoham, Israel), Svetlana Lisichnikova (Rome, Italy), Jennifer Long (Toronto, Canada), Mär Martinez (Orlando, FL, USA), Yoshitaka Masuda (Tokyo, Japan), Dan McCormack (Accord, NY, USA), Trevor Messersmith (Poughkeepsie, NJ, USA), Matei Muntiu (Ipswich, UK), Preda Pavel-Silviu (Timisoara, Romania), Project Barbatype (Scott Hilton and Bryan Wing) (Richardson, TX, USA), Anelyn Radulescu (Bucharest, Romania), Marian Rubin (Montclair, NJ, USA), Oleksandr Rupeta (Kyiv, Ukraine), Adair Freeman Rutledge (Seattle, WA, USA), Szilárd Schlauszky (Székesfehérvár, Hungary), Leslie Sheryll (Jersey City, NJ, USA), Joanna Stawnicka (Glasgow, Scotland), Maja Strgar Kurecic (Zagreb, Croatia), Benita Suchodrev (Berlin, Germany), Zsolt Székelyhidi (Budapest, Hungary), Magda Typiak (Florence, Italy), Rebecca Uliczka (Berlin, Germany), Mo Verlaan (Amsterdam, Netherlands), Gabriella Vincze-Baba (Budapest, Hungary), Alexander Ward (London, UK), Veronica Grace Wolfgang (New York, NY, USA), Eiji Yamamoto (Saarbruecken, Germany)