Member of Self Publishers United
I ‘m very happy to be a member of Self Publishers United!

Already 19 photographers have joint this great initiative, to form a strong base to promote and sell their beautiful photobooks.
Self publishers united will take part in international photobook markets, to give the self-published books the audience they deserve.
The Unseen Book Market will our first public stage.
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The contributing members of Self Publishers United:
Alexander Sporre Colette Raaijmakers Dolph Kessler
Estera Knaap Femke Dee Hans Bol
Karlijn van Diepen Katja Poelwijk Kjell Leknes
Maaike Hek Map de Maar Marijke De Schepper
Mo Verlaan Oliver Gouwenberg Sanne Kabalt
Tatchatrin Choeychom Vincent Buller Wiesje Den Ouden