Selected for Analog Forever Exhibition “Fabricated Realities”
Extremely proud that my gumprint Self Portrait With Blank Book has been selected for The Analog Forever Magazine Group Exhibition – “Fabricated Realities” March 2022!
Analog Forever Magazine is pleased to showcase 44 images in this month’s online exhibition, entitled “Fabricated Realities,” curated by the publisher and founder of The HAND, Adam Finkelston!
Have a look at the exhibition gallery with all the beautiful works Adam Finkelston selected:…/fabricated…
Founded in 2018, Analog Forever Magazine is an online and print publisher of contemporary analog photography. Our mission is simple: we want to provide a global audience to photographers who use analog processes and techniques for their photographic work by giving them a voice via a biannual print photography journal, online features and interviews, book reviews, and online exhibitions. Our goal is to highlight the best of the best from the analog photography industry including artists, projects, galleries, and curators.
The HAND Magazine is a quarterly publication for artists working in photography, digital, and print.
Thank you Adam Finkelston for selecting my work!